my mind; bul the recenl confirmalion of Santa Anna's intended release and a card published in the "Commercial Bulletin" of the 16th ultimo, dispensing with the farther aid of Volunteers from the United States 1 fixed their determinalion to suspend, if llOt Entirely relinquish their intentions as ahove Explained. If Texas is wanting funds, I regret the loss of this loan. It would have been offered Lo her, not in the spirit of speculation l>ttl from a pure and disinterested desire, to assist her in her glorious struggle. This much I have deemed it my duly to write, in defence of my own conduct. The attempted release of Santa Anna, has provoked a general and loud burst of indignant feeling throughout the U. Stales. If he is released, Texas will be compelled to fight her own batlies unaided; the last spark of sympathy in her behalf, will be effectually extinguished.
W. P. Hill
Genl. Stephen F. Austin
Washington, July 15, 1836. My dear Sir, In compliance with your directions 1 invited
Mess. Grayson and Collinsworth to call upon me at the Department of State. My call for their authority was answered by the production of papers similar to those given lo Childress aud Hamilton, signed by Mr. Burnell but without seal. pointing to this radical def eel, I told them that their powers must be put into proper order before any thing could be dorle with them officially, but that time enough would be afforded as you would uot act definitely upon the subject of Texas until the report of a Confidential Agent sent to that Country should be received. From a long and full conversation with them I learned that they had no instructions or authority to do more than talk about the terms to be hereafter considered and discussed and confirmed or rejected by the Texas Govt. or such modifications made as should be deemed expedient. With Lhis understanding of their authority and views l requested them to write me a private letter, explanatory of the wishes of the Texans as far as they could now be known. This letter received yesterday is now forwarded to you. The date is a mistake, il was delivered to me on the 14th inst. 1shall do nothing but hear
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