June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

We have had Lwo inlervicws with ~Ir. Forsythe, since the departure of the Presidcnl, and find him hul lillle disposed to be communicative, in anything, bul he has conversed with us in regard to Lhe objects of our Mis.sion, and has slated that he knew the annexation of Texas, to the U. Stales, was a favourite measure of Genl. Jacksons, whenever it could be done with propriety. He informs us, thal he has forwarded lo General Jackson, at lhc Hermitage, the Terms, so far as disclosed by us, forward on our instruclious, upon which an incorporalion of Texas with the United Stales would be acceptable to the former, and that he could do nothing upon the Subject, until the opinions & actions of the President are had thereon.- Under these circumslances, it will be useful to remain during the Summer.- One of us, P. W. Grayson will therefore return in a short lime lo Louisville (Ky) and the other lo Nashville, Tennessee, when they will both hold themselves ready, to receive any instructions, or obey any commands of their Government. Should it be desired lhat we should longer represent our Government here, il will be necessary to make out new commis- sions & forward them to the last named places, as those we have, have been deemed inadmissible in consequence of having no seal- It will be seen by reference lo our constitution, that in the absence of a Seal of Slate, the President is allowed to use his private SeaJ.- There is a further omission, in the address lo the Secretary of State, & the President, even of the country it is from. He knows the difficulty of recollecting all these things without forms we merely name them lo prevent the possibility of their being overlooked. Very Respectfully yr Servt.

J. Collinsworth P. W. Grayson


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