June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

i11~ly, whilst lhcy arc clamorous in favor of l111: cause, tlu:y arc secretly and i11sirlio11sly e11~ag1:cl i11 co1111lcr:11:li11~ ,md paraly1.i11g the efforts of the a~<'11ts of Texas, arul c:spc:cially, of those who have presumed lo cxpr1:ss opi11io11s adverse to their duims. Bul, ii ii; lwpcd, Iha! 1111: friends ,,r Ilic c.1w,c, anti of liltcrly, will not suffer thc 111s1:lv1:s lo lw ddud,:.I hy sud, artific,~o;. lie who now acl,lre.sscs the pulilic, is th,: a11thori1.cd a~cnl of th,: Cov1:rnme11l, a111I ii- 0111: of the early scl'tlc rs of the co1111try, well ;11_:q11ai11tc1I with ils affoirs, and familiar wi'lh all the p(:c;uliarilics of the enemy, anrl the views and private molivc:s of Llic cliffc:rcnt parlics; and he hol1ls himself rt:spo111;ihlc for what h1: slates. Our rclc11tlrn;s invaders arc rapidly collc:clin~ a new army, a part of which iii 110w 11po11 our lumlcrs, lo renew the work of cxtcrrni11atio11 arid tl1c 1.;rusaclc ag.iinst lilu:rly; and Texas now rnakcs u dirccl appc:il lo Liu: magnanimily and valor of the West lo :;ustain her i11 I he shock. A11d when have the valiunl sous of the Wcsl liccn dc:1f lo such a call, in such :1 cause·~ When have Lhny foiled lo sci~c thc:ir unerring rifles a111l fly lo the ficl1l where liberty called for succor, 111111 ~lory offered the rcwunl anrl invitee! to ,lccds of v.ilor"t Never. llundn:ds of your valiant hrt;thrc:n have alrcaily answered llw t.ill, mid marched lo the ficltl; m11I !iomc of llu~h•'--"' l,lood a11tl lalcnl of the country, l1r1v1: cldcrmincd lo dcvolc Lhcmsdvcs to the holy cause. Come, llicn, lo oilr ai1l, invincible so11s of Llic W1:sl. I.cl 11/i 1111ilc with Lhc lwroc:s of San Jacinto, and mcc:l the sanh,uinary 1yraul upon the tlm:shold of our country. I.cl us roll the tid1: of war hack upon the c:m:my, ancl hy sul,sisting our armies upon him, compc:1 him lo rccogniic our just clcmands, a111I teach liim tl11: da11w:r of trampling upon Liu: ri~hts of freemen. F:migranls arc still invilcd lo our country to join the standard of 1'1:xas in the "Army of llcs«:rvc," which is al11,ut lo march lo the rcseuc; which may yt:t win the glory of savi11~ a liravc and dcvutr.rl people from lici11g cruslu:d 1 ;md of hcing th,: arl,itc:r of the destinies of lwo 11atiumi. Those disposed lo nmi~ralc to Texas will rcruh:zvou:-al Louisville cm the 20th rlay of A11btt1st ncxl, anil as much sooner as possihle, whcri: thc:y will Im rci:civc:1I ;1111I s11pplic1I with provisions l>y our t\~cu I, A. T. Burnley, who will make arra11w:1111:11ts for lhdr transporlalio11. Jame:. llcwill, James C. Johnston, J.B. Blaml, John M. Tal,lott, Alfred Thruslo11 1 Patric:k II. Pope, L. L. Shrc:vc, lfomphrcy Marshall, l◄:lisha Warfield, Thomas It'. Marshall, Capt. John Shalcros.-;, lsa:u: Stc:warl, Charles M. Thruslo11, and S.S. Nicholas, lrnvc: ~c111:ro11sly eo11sc11t1:il lo :1d as .i Cummillrc: of C:orrcspo111lc111:c: ancl t\rr:lllj!;Cll1<:11l s, for rnisirii,: 1111:arr s anti pro·

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