r 33011 [BONNELL to GAJNESl
Forl Jesup, Jur1e 7, 1836. Sir: 011 Salurday night last, at 12 o'clock, an express was sent to me from Squire McDonald's, staling that M. Flores and J. M. Medrano were about Spanish lake. I immediately applied for men and horses; but, from some delay, I did not start till 2 o'clock. On arriving at Spanish-town, I went Lo Mr. Basque's, where, not finding them as I expected, I started the guide and party off; who shortly returned with Medrano. I then sent the guide and men aboul six miles, where M. Flores resided, in order to secure him. In the mean time, I learned from Medrano that he had employed M. Flores to go with him to point out the corners of some land which he had purchased. M. Flores, he believes, was telling lies to the Indians; but, as he spoke in the Caddo tongue generally, he was not able to understand. :Medrano says that he wanted two Caddoes to go with him in order to assist in finding the corners of his land, but that .M. Flores wanted to take a large party. Medrano was taken sick, and M. Flores left him; he had not seen him for eleven days. Medrano has sent for his family, and says he is willing to come to camp whenever he is wanted. M. Basques, a Mexican Spaniard, informed me that he had read M. Flores's commission, and that it was from a Mexican consul in New Orleans; it directed him to prevent the Indians from taking any part whatever in the war in Texas, to remain quiet al home, and hunt and plant corn as usual. If this is true, the infamous falsehoods that M. flores has told the Indians deserve the severest chastisement. The parly returned to Spanish-town without having been able to see M. Flores, although every precaution had been taken to prevent an alarm in approaching his house. Only wanting Medrano as a witness, and being able to obtain him at any time, I discharged him. I then returned to this post, where I have been sick ever since, and not able to get out of bed to-day. As soon as 1 am able to ride. I will pursue the scoun- drel, unless otherwise directed. I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your most obedient servant, Major Gen. E. P. Gaines, com'ng Western dept., Fort Sabine, La. J. Bonnell, 1st lieut. 3d infantry. 47
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