June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3704) [LAMAR to RUSK]

In Camp Guadalupe 14 July 1836

To Brig Gen) Rusk

From a conversation with our mutual friends l\fajr. Redd and Cot. Smith, I am induced lo believe that the letter which I addressed you this morning is the only obstacle to a friendly adjustment of our difficulties - As I am unwilling that anything to the attainment of so desirable an end shaJI exist by my consent, l cheerfully withdraw that communication for the purpose of opening the door to a personal interview between us with the hope of restoring private friendship and public tranquility. Yours respectfully M. 8. Lamar [3705) [WILLIAMS to GOVERNMENT]

To the Government of the Republic of Texas

The undersigned considers it necessary lo inform the Govt that after information had been received in New Orleans of the fall of the Alamo Fort, he preceeded lo Mobile and excited a public meeting in favor of the Cause of Texas. At which meeting a sub- scription paper was opened and an amount about Seven thousand dollars was subscribed, nearly one half of which was paid. The money and the paper was left at Mobile with Dodson & Williams for the purpose or fitti11g out a Company that was raised by Cap• tain Samuel Williams, and Lltat the whole amo11nL subscribed should be paid in. Up to Lhis time the undersigned remains unin• formed of the amot111t expended; arms & munitions of war were purchased to supply the men-so soon as tlie statement of Lhc whole shall be received it shall be past to Lile Govt with a list of the subse:ribcrs for tlic information of the Govl and liquidalio11 with the undcrsig11cd The Company came out on the Schooner Emeline and arc believed allacl1cd Lo Gc11l Greens Command Quintana July 14, 1836 Samuel M Williams


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