have simpathctically contributed fur a ble,~ding people, goods, wares, & merchandise) a tacit acknowledgement of his authority, thcrby directing their charities lo his order, co11scque11tly diverting from the channel intended by the Donors, to wit, the support of the Defenders of their Country and the army generally, which the said David G Burnet has converted by virtue of his assumed authority to his own private use and that of his friends not belonging to the army thereby sowing discord & discontent in the ranks of a suffering citizen-soldiery being contrary Lo the Rules & regulations of the Articles of War, and all civilized nations. Specification 4th That the said David G Burnet a citizen as aforesaid by virtue of his assumed authority has prevented V{lrious officers duly authorised, from performing their official duties, more particularly the Quarter M Genis department by an interference with his duty, thereby, causing discontent & sedicious conduct in the army, of the Republic of Texas, the said D G. Burnet evincing a disposition to dissoh·e the same which conduct is Sedicious & contrary to the Rules & regulations of the Articles of War. Republic of Texas 14. July 1836 Witnesses on behalf of the Republic of Texas
Brig. Gen. F. Houston Brig. Gen. T J Green Colonel. John A. Wharton Colonel. Benj. F. Smith
Colonel. J.C. Neale Colonel. M. B. Lamar Colonel. E. Burleson Colonel. A Huston Q Mr General Colonel. Sydney Sherman '.\1ajor J. W. ~loreland
Major W H Patton .:\1ajor W. J. Cook Captain W. A. Houth Captain Jeremiah Brown Corndg sch Invincible Captain William Brown Sergeant J. Swearingen Co. B. lst Regl. Infy Corporal Thos. Wilson Co. B. Ist Rcgl. lnfy Privat1: R. B. Bifail Co. B. Isl R,~gt. Inf y Duplicate
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