to the Ruh:s & Regulations of War when his country was hlecdina with their unfocling depredations & a great portion of the Womc~ and children were suffering for subsistance- Spccification 3rd That the Said David G. Burnet only a citizen aforesaid did (without any authority or power except that assumed as aforesaid) on the I0th day of J unc 1836, Embark, place, transfer and pul on board the Sehr Invincible, Antonio Lopez de St Anna late President of the Republic of i\lcxico in a secret and clandestine manner with an order lo transmit him lo Mexico (thereby aiding and assisting the enemies of the Republic of Texas) without Security or hostage for his safe-return the Said SL Anna being a State Prisoner, thereby giving him the power of Carrying on lhe war of extermination contrary lo the wise and humane ordinances of all Civilized Nations Charge 3rd Sedition - Specification 2sl Thal lhe Said David G. Burnet a citizen aforesaid did on the lwenlyfourth day of April 1836, Sow the seeds of discord by Speaking in a contemptuous and ungentlemanly manner of the Commander in chief, holding him up lo ridicule and derision in the presence of his officers and men while immediately under his command said Commander in chief being duly commissioned and having full power as by law made & . designated - the said David G. Burnet being a citizen of Texas, Subject by its organic law lo military duly, Suid conduct being contrary lo the rules & regulations of the articles of war. Specification 2nd The said David G. Burnet a citizen as aforesaid while assuming the power of President of the Republic of Texas did proclaim by writing, speaking, & in various conversations on the 20 May and al divers other times and places) that a prace had been made with the Mexican Government, with whom the Republic of Texas are al War, and by evr.ry means, art, & artifice endeavour lo disuade the friends of the Rept1blic from aiding and assisting in prosecuting the War, as also preventing such Volunteers as had emharked under sympathetic and Philantrophic feelings from the United Stales and else where from ralying lo the standard of our Bleeding Country, it being false news and contrary lo Lhe rules & regulalions of the Articles of War. Specificalion 3rd Thal the said David G Burnet a citizen us aforesaid by proclaiming to lhe World himself ati Prt·$idc11I of lhe Republic of Texas, elicited from lhusc b1~1wrnlt•11I p!'rsuns (who
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