Lransmil lo the proper department. copies oi' tht:ir commissions accompanied with a :5latement of the service in which they are engaged, in order that a full and complete list may he filed i.11 the respective offices. Done at Velasco this 14th day of July 1836. David G. Burnet
A. Somervell, Sectary of war and Aeling Seely of Navy.
Charges and Specifications preferred against Da\'id G. Burnet Esquire a Citizen of Texas by E L R Whelock for himself and the Citizens of Texas. -- Charge 1st "Usurpation" -- Specification 1st That the said David G. Burnet a citizen of the Republic of Texas, while only a citizen, without Power, did on the thirty day of last in the year of Ollr Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and thirty six assume and take upon himself the power to exercise the high and responsible office of President of the Republic of Texas, an office. which can be made only by Lhe People in the free exercise of their franchise as is by law defined. Specification 2nd. That the Said David G. Burnet a citizen afore said did on the 20th day of April and at other divers time assume, Proclaim, and stile himself, President of the Republic of Texas, grant commissions, issue orders, both military & Civil and Sign and declare himself President of the Republic of Texas when there has been no law Establishing or enacting such office, it being entirely unknown lo Lhis Republic. Charge 2nd Treason. Specification 1st. Thal the Said David G. Burnet did on the 27th of April, correspond, communicate, & open secret negotiations with Lhe enemy, when Lhey were in distress, in the person of Antonio Lopez de SL. Anna, contrary lo the Rules a11d Regulations of the Articles of War, lherchy assuming tu himself powers nol designated hy the People of the Republic of Texas. Specification 2nd Thal the Said David G. Burnet a Citizen aforesaid did on the 2d - day of May open a corresponde11cc wilh the enemy by aiding ancl assisting them with provisions contrary
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