June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3698) [BURNET lo MORGAN I

Executive Department Velasco 14 July 1836

To Col James Morgan Sir

In reply to the petitions of Captains T11rner Sweitzer & AJlen, officials al the Island, respccti1w the distribution of some clothing &c 1 request you will furnish lh~se gentleman and lo lheir respective company any clothing or olhcr article You may ha\'C and they may reasonably require - lL is the wish and has been the Streneous endeavor of the government lo have our brave defenders well clothed and well f cd and if we have failed in any instance it has been the result of our absolute clcslitulion of funds and not of any lukewarmness on our part-

Your obl Sv David G Burnet



Whereas, several officers were appointed in the army and navy of Texas, by the late provisional Government, and also by this Government, who have not entered upon the discharge of their du ties; and as some comrnis:;ions have been issued to persons lo whom no corresponding comnrnnd could bP. given: and as the spirit of our free institutions, and thr. financial interests of the Country, ec1ually forbid lhe existence of any sinicure office. Now therefore, I, David G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas, by and with the advice and consent of the Cabinet, do order and decree and it is hereby ordered and decreed. that all such commissions heretofore issued, and all appointments heretofore made of persons not now in actual :;crvice or command, (except such as have leave of absence) are from and aftrr the publication of this proclmnalion, revoked, a11nullt'd and of 1\0 dfoct. And it is further ordered and decreed, that all uffkers now in service or command in the army or Navy of Tt•xas, do forthwith

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