[3697] [TOBY to BURNET)
New Orlcan8 13 .I uly 1836
To his Excellency D. G. Burnell Esq. President of the Republic of Texas Sir
We wrote you by the Independence lefL Lhe levee yeslcr-
Com. Hawkins we presume will remain at the Balizc twen- ty four hours to have an opportunity of drilling his men before he preceeds to Sea- We are of opinion that many of the holders of the notes given by the former Agent-now under protPsl would be willing lo take scrip in pay, we would recommend your sending up the ac- counts of Mr. 8. that have been audited furnishing us with a copy of same-. We have paid the following audited accts-
D L Kokcnoll H Bond Brig Good Hope Jas. B. Clark
50- 24- 867-
No l 18 for: 72 for 32 for 139 for
1029. $1970
We have shipped on board the Flora 500 Cartridge Boxes, Bayonet Scabbard & Belts & have ordered 500 Caps part will go by her, as also part of your last order- There will be about One hundred Volunteers also ready for her.
Very Respectfully Your obdt. Servt Thomas Toby & Bro.
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