June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

If, therefore, General l,amar has not been deceived or misinformed with regard lo the military reputation of Col. ~lacomb, or if after his having assumed the Command of the army, & before Col. Macomb joins himself to his brethren in arms, he cannot hav<~found among the great number of officers attached lo his Command an individual suitable, in his opinion, for a post of so great importance and responsibility, Col. Macomb will feel extremely gratified in being a l\lcmber of the General Staff of Gcnl Lamar Commander in chief of the forces of Texas. [Addressed: l His Excellency. nlajor Genl. Lamar Com: in Chief of the forces of Texas. Victoria (3695) [ONDERDUNK to ONDERDUNK] [H. M. Onderdunk, Headquarters, Camp Green, near Victoria, lo William H. Onderclunk, July 13, 1836, reporting on military activities in Texas.] [3696] [ROYALL lo LAMAR]

July 13th 1836

Confidential Genl. M. B. Lamar Dr. Sir

From what I learn in camp The meeting Gotten up and which Entered into Resolutions in Relation to your taking the Comd. of the Army was composed only of a Few officers mostly the staff and From whal I can Learn of The sentiments of the Army a Large Majorily Prefer you to Genl. Rusk as commander Yours Respectfully, [Addressed: l Mnjr Genl M. B. Lamar Present R.R. Royall

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