ing terms, '-'v. if they do not atknd to your call I shall be greatly disappointed. I shall scnrl by the Steam rll: a Bale of Tent cloth, as also a Bale of Shirting. I have already bought & ordered it 0 11- boarcl, I shall order some Coffec, a great portion of that article was taken by the Captors of the Pri~es. Since I arrived here I sold my Horse & Watch and laid out the avails in Coffee for the army Say 2000 lbs. Rest assured I will do all in my power to have your wants supplied. I will write you again by the Boat. I have Lhe honor lo be Sir, Yours &c A. Huston Qr. i\1 Gen) of army To Col: J. .\1organ Commandant Galveston Island (3694] PIACO\IB to LA\IARj Lynchburgh July 13th. 1836. Colonel Macomb presents to General Lamar his sincere acknowledgements for the honor tendered to him, through Mr Bailey, of a situation in his Staff. To be thus singled out from among so great a number of Officers of real merit, and probably greater experience in military tactics by the Commander in Chief of the forces of Texas, for a post in the General Staff, in which an intimate knowledge of military detail and arrangement is indispensibly necessary in the individual selected, as well for the well being and existence, of the army itself, as for the ease and comfort of Lhe Genl.-Commanding, evinces, it would seem a personal partiality for, or a reputation for military science, in the person to whom such honor is tendered; lo the latter allegation, Col .Macomb begs leave to disavow, or to lay claim to any military skill and experience, than a short service in the U Stales, and in the first campaign in Texas would naturally impart lo to fsic] a mind and sould devoted to the great cause in which we are engaged, and a rule adopted in early life, and since became a hahit, to fill whatever station, however, humble it may he, with vigour and efficiency, or not at all; and lo the former the distinguished character of Genl Lamar for disinterestedness and patriotism and integrity, both in his native and adopted country, would positively deny and amply and ca~ily rdu le.
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