(3306] [SAWYER to MORGAN}
Velasco June 6 1836
My dear Sir,
Your letter to Capt. Turner I have just recd. l reached here a week Since, and the Cabinet determind to confer upon me the post of General Secretary to the whole cabinet &c emoluments small. but immediately upon my arrival the cabinet became so much involved in trouble with the people & soldiery that I supp~se may have not had time to act finally upon my appointment, at any rate, tho' promised a week ago, it is not yet conferred-and furthermore I am become indifferent about it.-for I know the value of my services. As you heard, Santana was on Wenesday last removed to the Invincible, there to remain until the conditions of a treaty entered into between him & Govm. & Cabinet (is signed by all the members of the latter except Col. Lamar) was complied with as far as they could be, while Santana remained in the country-viz the entire evacuation by his troops of the territory of Texas the release of Texians prisoners & negro property. Then he was to sail to Vera Cruz in company with Zavalla & Mr Hardiman Commis- sioners plenipotentiary to execute in Mexico the said treaty. But the populace & Soldiery insisted upon his return & he wa~ brot back to this place on Saturday. The cabinet is weak. No popularity or confidence-& altogether occupy a pitiful position both in the eyes of friends & enemies. The Independence Capn. Hawkins left yesterday with Grayson & Collingsworth, commissioners to the government of the U. States, with a copy of the treaty &c lo procure if possible the mediation of that Government between Texas & Mexico. As to myself if I do not accept position here, I shall make a small excursion to the Colorado, Le Baca Guadalupe &c and · afterward settle down in some quiet place & read untill November. I should be glad to hear from you as often as convenient.
Sincerely &c F. A. Sawyer
Col. Morgan fort Travis
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