[Sam Houston lo Edmund P. Gaines, July 13, 1836, enclosing slalemenls of P. J. Menard and Miguel Cortinas in relation to hostile Indian movements in Tcxas. J [3692) [HUSTON to BURNET]
0 fficc of the Quarter ~laster Gent Velasco July 13, 1836.
To 1-lis Excellency D G Burnet President of the Rcpublic of Texas Honored Sir,
Owing lo the confused 1:;tate of affairs in Texas since I have had the honor lo prc~ide over the Department I have nol been able to open my office at the Seat of Government untill now. I have now just gotten aJl my proceedings placed on Record, and it is my special request that you appoint a Commissioner to examine my proceedings, or, that such members of your Cabinet as you may designate examine the proceedings of my office & report lo your Excellency I have the Honor to be Your Excdlcncics ObSt. Sr. &c
A Huston Qr Mr Gent
[3693) [.HUSTON to MORGAN J
V cla.,co J 3 July 1836
Dear Sir,
J have just received yours, one by Capll1. Turner the other by Mr. Sherman. T must say that J am heartily sorry for the deplor- able Stale of our troops & I do not thu1k there has been energy enough used lo obtain them articles that they must have, and, cannot be kept in the field without. So fur as lhc doathing goes il is entirely out of my depart- ment, bu l I Shall Spare no pains lo lay IIH' matter befor<' Lhc Cabinet, and lntv<~ already done So in the strongl'sl and most pr1·1-s-
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