June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

sufficiently cover all the items as charged in act. wilh the exception of Nos. 2. 39. 41. & 46. which amount lo $957.56 they did not originate in their favour, and have been deducted leaving a ballance due them on the Ist of•May lasL.-831.857.56.- Reference lo an ordinance and decree passed by the Gent Council on the 5th of Decem. 1835 appointing Col. Pettus contractor &c. "also on the 10th of Decern. 1835 empowering J. W. Fannin, and others lo empres~ inlo the service of Texas any supplies for the army &c. and receipt for the same.- "furlher on the 7th January 1836 authorizing J. W. Fannin to raise a loan of $3000- with 10 pr. ct. lnst. on the faith of Govt-and for various other purposes. All of which is most Respectfully submitted with due consideration A. Brigham Auditor H. C. Hudson Controller [3690] [HARRIS to BURNET)

Matagorda July 13 1836

To His Excellency David G. Burnet Sir

The Sehr William & Francis has just arrived from New Orleans, and Ladened with stores for the benefit of the Army- the Captain or rather Charter party, has refused to deliver the cargo untiU the Freight is advanced-I therefore request that you or the proper person, would attend to it, and send funds to relieve the Goods, or something to effect the object-I have been appointed by Pinkney Caldwell as his Agent, to lend to forwarding and re- ceiving the stores &c and am witJ10u l funds.- An order has just arrived from head quarters for supplies, and in consequence or these articles not being Landed, coul.d not make the order complete. Lieut Wilkinson will allend to any communication from you to me or lo head quarters.

Very Respectfully your ohl Scrvl James Harris Agnt ror P Caldwell Qr Masr. Ct!nl.

P. S. Two hundred dollars is thought sufficient lo relieve stores J. 11.


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