have to go where he can make a support and Live quietly, We have men amongst us, who posscs.5 many Leagues of Land, 1hese men have never been lo the army, they have remained at home and been speculating on the ncccs.sities of there neighbours, these men are great talkers, they have lost nothing, the Press Masters have never taken any of their property. The people would not say one word about their Beeves being taken, if they thought the Army, would get them, and they could get government paper but some man is generaUy sent who is unknown lo the government, and unauthorized by it. they seldom take the trouble to give a man a receipt for his properly thus taken, if they should give one, it would be worth the paper only, as they have no authority for taking the property. l for one, do not feel willing to put up with state of affairs any longer, I do not say that 1 have determined to leave the country, but I should like lo be permitted to move the few cattle we have where they can be turned into cash, if Mr Mcferron looses the few cattle he now has he is a mined man in l1is old age, by the people who run he has lost all he had but his cattle, If you can give us the permission we request we will thank you, l do not think the Government of Texas, wishes lo reduce an old man with a large family to poverty, which will be the case if my petition is not granted, for if his cows & calves are not taken, they will not let any man keep a horse to attend to a stock, and we have many around us who wiU save us the trouble of marking & branding our own calves, but they will by mistake put on their own brand Be so good as to give my respects to Mrs Burnet, and with many wishes for your o,vn and your families health I remain Dear sir vours truely Thomas H Brenan Be so good as to write by Mr Estc on the first safe opportunity Brenan [3689) [13RJGl·IAM and HUDSON to BURNET!
Velasco July l31h 1836
To His Excellency David C. 13urnctt and Honorable Members of lhe Cabinet. Gent.
a l the request of your Honr Body 1 have the honour lo . In conjunction wi l h 1-1. C. Hudson Esqr. we havr exammed minutely the acts, exhibited Ly ~lcssrs. McKinney & Williams against this Govt and we 11re of opinion lhc \' oucht>rs :mnexctl make the following report.-
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