June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

was all. I borrowed some money and went in, remained there but a few days and returned to avail myself of the pasports, that 1 was certain you had sent me, although I had not received it, on my way back I met your orders, for all to turn out, now l am at a loss to know whether the pasport I have now, will be sufficient to carry me back ·with the cattle or not, it may be s.iid, that your late orders, have rendered my pasport void, I am sorry Lo trouble you again, but if I was able, I could give you good reasons for wishing to drive, besides the one communicated in my former letter, I am almost tempted to leave the Country forever, some of the Trinity people are now & have been willing to persecute me, for no other reason that I can discover, than that I will not join in all there proceedings, I did not discover this disposition, until we all commenced running. I was so unfortunate as to be indebted to some of these people, and they took advantage of my leaving the country, or rather taking my family to a place of safety, and had a. writ issued against me, and 1 was forced to sacrifice property to get out of difficulty, now sir men that can take this advantage of a man in my situation, will do any thing else, I cannot live amongst men of this character, and 1 am therefore tempted to leave the country. Mr Mcferron wishes me to send his cat1le in, his cattle & those of my wife are the one's I wish to drive, now I hope if you can consistantly givemepermission to move the cattle I would be eternally obliged to you, if you grant my request would it not he well to leave a blank for the brands I would give you a list of them now but some of the animals are yet to collect and what the brands are l cannot say, nether can I state the numbers, we have an unruly set of officers in this section of the country, would it not also be well to let the Secty of war give the necessary ordet to the different officers to let me pass, to be sent to me with your pasport. You will pardon me for again troubling you with this business, but my necessities arc great and must be my excuse. I am sick boath in body and in mind, to be thus parted from my wife, and she in the situation she is, almost runs me crazy, and is one great cause of my sickness, it is more 'than J can bear, and I cannot be of service to the army. I expect l shall be reported to the war department I cant help it, you know my excuse, Mr Estc will tell you how the officers have conducted themselves in this section, no man can caJl any properly his own, .jf he has a good horse, he is wanted for the public, it is the same with cattle, and if a man has to loose all, he had as well let it all go at once, and go where he can support his family, as to rcmajn here and be insulted, having his property taken in small lots, and in the end after all his suffering


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