No. 9. Invoice of Sundries Shipped by Thomas Toby & Brother on board Sehr. Flora. A~plcman Master, bound for Quintana- by order and for account and risk of the Republic of Texas. 8 Boxes containing
500 Sets Catridge Boxes, Bayonet Scabbards & Belts. Complete a 3/10 8 Boxes
1550 ..
6 -
Drayage 75 155 Knap Sacks. complete a 2/50 387 50 4 Boxes & Drayagc 4 .. Allowed Interest on L224/83 Dolls. w5%
1556 75
391 50 61 24
1 Sack - Containing
5000 Best Rifle Flints a 4/505 5000 do do do a 3/50$ Drayage
22 50 17 50 25
40 25 2049 74 102 49 2152.23
Commissions a 5%
New Orleans 12h July 1836
Mr. M. Toby & Bro
[3688) [BREN AN to BURNET)
West Liberty July 13th 1836
To His Excellency D. G. Burnet Dear Sir
It is with difficulty that I can set up to write, but nothing can prevent my writing, in order to thank you for your goodnrss in complying with my request of a pasporl, 1 have never been able lo use it as y~t, I did not receive either of them until my return from the United States, I was so very anxious about my wife that I coulJ not wait, until your letters should return from the round the bearers thought proper Lo take them, I could here of them but that
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