June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

We had imlicipatcd your order for Stalionary S,. had al- ready shipped on board the Schooner Flora a Box containing Pa- per of Various Kinds, Quills, Ink &c &c- We shall send you by the Flora Paper as requested for Mr Gray at Brazoria-The Gj)t edge is not be be had-The Indepen- dence is detained tit this day on account of Scamen-bul she has a first rate crew- As regards the Liberty we must observe that Com Haw- kins, was nol here untill after her repairs had been ordered by Col. Potter and he is not in any way lo blame for an extravagant repairs to her-Should you decide upon her being fitted out let us know & if in funds she shall be dispatched at once-We have to day ad- vanced the officers that vessel Five hundred Dollars to enable them to leave, a part goes in the Independence- Two Brass 9 pounders arrived a few days ago from the Havana said to have been presented by the Ladies of Havana to the Texians, some Spaniards and others hostile to Texas have made many complaints & say that they must have been stolen from the Spanish Fort & as the captain is a trader to the Havana he is afraid to land them for fear of his being imprisoned on his return to Havana, by representation of the people here, as he neither cleared them when he left Havana or entered them on his arrival here-Our collector gave him a permit lo land Lhem-lf we can get possession of them will forward them on to you- The rumor afloat yesterday is that 4000 men were to em- bark at Vera Cruz 4000 at Matamoras to invade Texas & 4000 to enter by land, but as it is like many others got up by the opposi- tion, there is no ground for it- We have paid some of the audited accounts of the Govermt & have advertised that we arc ready to pay all accounts audited by the Govermt in Scrip when it amounts lo sufficcnt lo cover a certificate of 640 acres-Now many of the claims against the form- er Agency we believe could be settled in that way-and if the accounts are correct & audited we would recommend your sending them up-we shall write you by the Flora with some supplies for the use of the Army-

Yours Respectfully Thomas Toby & Bro.


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