June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


same quarter, us lo when and by whom lhc troops arc to he mustered jnto the service of the United States. If the companies should be organized into a regiment or battalion before tendering Lheir services lo the United States, then the commander and other ricld officers chosen hy themselves under the slale laws, will continue to command; as provided by the ~•cl of Congress of 23d May, l836, section 3. But if they are not organized inlo a regiment or ballalion bcfore the lender of services, then Lhe commander-in-chief will either select the commander of the quota, from among the officers of sufficie nt rank who volunteer their services, or order it lo be determined by the officers of the proper grade in the slate, or who volunteer, the other field officers will be chosen by the officers of the corps, among those of a proper grade who volunteer, under the provisions of the 7 r sl and 72nd sections or the militia law of 1834. The officers commanding the different corps in the state, within whose command any volunleer companies may be formed, in compliance with this requisifion, will report lo the adjutant-general's office, from time to time, the progress made in organizing them, ancl the time of their dcparlure for the pince of rendezvous. By order ol the Commander-in-Chief, Persifer F. Smith. Adjutant and Major General. [3686) lTOBY to BURNET}

New Orleans 12 July 1836

To His Excellency D G flurnctl Esq Velasco Sir

Enclosed w<: hand you 011p. of ours under date yester-

day .-We arc since i11 n~ccipt yoms 2 & 3 lnsl-

Nolicc all you ~my ahoul the rwccssity of ~ol110l<'crs-Wc shall dispatch all that art• ready as fast as t!1cy armc-: Tlic Fl?rn will lake from I00 to 150 to s.1il 011 16 Inst-we nrc daily looking for 50 t,, arrive from Ballinwrr. said to be a fine Co of you11g men-


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