Headquarters, july 12th, 1836.
Orders Major genera] Gaines, under the special authority of the president of the United Stales, has required of the slates of Louisiana, ten companies of mounted gun men, volunteers if practicable, to serve for six months from the day they reach their rendezvous, to be discharged al any time by the United States. As no companies of mounted gun men now exist in this slate, it is only by the voluntary formations of such companies that this requisition can be complied with. The citizens of the state subject lo militia duty, are therefore invited to enrol themselves in volunteer companies of that description, and to organize themselves in conformity with the law. The following instructions, founded on the laws of the United States and of this state, will govern them. Each company will he composed of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one cornet, four sergeants, four corporals, one farrier, one trumpeter, and sixty-four privates; in all seventy-nine. When the requisite number of each company is enrolled, an election for commissioned officers will be held, under Lhe direction of the colonel commanding the regiment ,vhere Lhe election is to lake place, as provided in the 22d section of the militia law of 1834. The formation of the company, and Lhe result of the election, will be reported to the adjutant general at New Orleans, in order that the officers may be commissioned. If a company is already organized, whether complete or not, and having ils officers already commissioned, should volunteer their services, no new election will be necessary. When each company is organized, the commander thereof will report to General Gaines, al Camp Sabine, beyond Natchitoches, or Lo such officer and at suc.h place, as general Gaines may have designated: and will ask instructions where lo apply for arms, equipments, transportation, a,1d camp-equipage, and for such information as may be desirable relative lo pay, clothing, and allowances. Information will be oblained from the
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