[O. de Santangelo, New Orleans, lo Stephen F. Austin, July 12, 1836, about Texas affairs. I (3684) [SMLTH lo RUSKJ
Nacogdoches 12 July 1836
Dear Ser I have not herde from you sens I left thee Armay and I have Riten you frel1uently my fameley is awl Sick Yours are well except Dave hec has got the feever but is bcter Bewforcl is bin Down with the feever and is Just get1ng ahel to set up foster is now Down and they are hoth with mee BiU is very low and { iUegible) Like to Dade but is well I will not bee in thee armay till my famaley is well I Cant Leeve them sick and other thinges may keepe me from Coming back a tawl I want you to Rite to mee what l had best Doo for I never will Come lo thee Arrnay un Less I Can have A Command lff you think I had bcler Give up my Comision l wiJI Do same but iff I Can have a Comand in the armay 1 will Come as Soon as I Can Leve my fomaley this will bee handed you by mister Hinard hoo will Join the arrnay as thee Substitute of mistc Loide Loide Situation is such that hee Cant Come to thee armay and he wants You to Reserve Hinnard in his plase Loid is marcd and Cant Come to the armay if Tebitety is not Reserved I wish you would Rite lo me to that a feet and I would know what to tel thee pepil Yours f Endorsed: ) L Smith
Leander Smith 12th July 1836. To. Genl. Rusk-
About Nacogdoches people and the army- friendly-
[Addressed: .I
Thomas J. Rusk Brigr. Genrl Texas Army
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