June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

shall visit the army as soon as I can gel all the Branches of my department into successful operation. J hope you will apprize me from time to time of such arrangements as may be necessary to facilitate the movements of the army and as far as it lies in my power it shat be carried into effect. I sold my riding horse and watch yesterday and Ilought for the express use of the main army 2000 lbs coffee which I shall cause to be forwarded with other supplies as soon as possible. We have now a tolerable supply of provisions, Bread stuffs are Plenty-Coffee and sugar scarce, the most of the coffee on the Prizes was taken by the captors for which reason I laid out the avails of my Horse and Watch in Coffee. We have five hundred kegs of Powder at this place & Galveston also several Barrels of Canister Rifle Powder. We have at Natchitoches in the hands of O B Vail about one hundred Kegs Powder and some Lead, there is but about 10 Kegs Lead at this place and Glaveslon. If you think best I will have the ammunition at Natchitoches brot. on.. I hope you will keep me apprised of your necessities and as far as it lies in my power in lhe present pecuniary stale of our country nothing shall be wanting on my part to keep you amply supplied. I have the honor to be Sir, Your obt. St. &c.

A Huston Qr MrGcnl



Head Quarters Victoria 12th July 1836

To Sterling C. Robertson Esq. Sir

You ace hereby appointed to enroll Men for the purpose of protecting the Frontier from Indian depredations. You are expressly prohibited from enrolling any man now in the Army or on his way Lo the Army, and you will not enroll any man for a less time than Four months. In all respects you will subject yourself lo such orders as you may receive from Col. Edward Burleson.

Thomas J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Comg.


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