June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

will be supplies forwarded to the army immediately. I have learned that sugar & coffee is scarce with you. Ycslcrclay, I sold my horse & watch and Bot 2000 lbs of coffee expressly for the main army. There was a 1.argc quantity of it on board the Prizes but the most of it was taken by the captors, as it wa:; a saleable article. One of your strictest duties is to keep me properly in~ formed of the state of Lhc supplies under your charge and of such as are needed for immediate use. We have now at Galveston and at Lhis place aboul 500 Kegs Powder and but little lead. We have a tolerable supply of Provisions. There is quite a number of Volun- teers on the way from the U States. I send you Blanks for the purpose of your making out returns and you must be punctual in doing so. If the duties of your office arc more than you can perform you can call from the officers in the line any number of assistants you may require; who will receive in addition lo their pay in the line $20 per month. I hope you will not lake the responsibility of appointing an Asst. Qr. ~lr. out of the line, as therr. is no responsibility on them. They will do the duties of Lite office while the convenience of their case may suit and Lhen leave, while the officers of Lhe line are bound to pcrf orm. I am informed there is an assist. Qr. Mr. Genl. in the army. I know of 1lo such officer. There can be but one assist. Qr. ~Ir. Genl. and thal officer is attached to my office. He is Robt. 8. Irvine of San Augustine. I wish you to be particular and inform me of the slate of the supplies now in the army and of such as are most wanted. Rcspcctf ully Sir yrs. &c A. Huston Qr. Mr. Genl. [3681] [HUSTON to RUSK!

Yel.1sco 12th July l836

To Brigr Genl. Thos.. J. Rusk Dear Sir,

I have ut l~nglh opened my officr at Ill<' s1·al of Govr.rt. whcrr. r think I can facilitate the affairs in my dcpartmrnt much better than I can by moving abo11t and doinii; husinrss myself 1


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