Department of Relations of the .Mexican republic, Washington, July 12, 1836. As it had been stated in a Natchez newspaper, and repeated by aU the other papers in the Union, that General Gaines had again received orders to advance as far as Nacogdoches, with many other particulars which gave a certain air of probability to the statement, I lost no time in asking an explanation on the subject of the Secretary of State, who offered immediately lo obtain from the War Department the information necessary for the purpose, "inasmuch," added Mr. Forsyth, "as nothing was known about it in his Dcparlmenl." He did so, and l have this day had the satisfaction Lo hear from his lips that the said statement was carefuUy unfounded, and that it was in consequence a mere fabrication of the newsmongers and speculators. Which I have the honor to communicate to you, sir, for the information of his excellency the acting President. God and liberty. M. E. de Gorostiza. To the Chief Officer charged with the direction of the Department of Relations. [3680) [HUSTON to CALDWELL]
Velasco July 12, l836
To Pinkney Colwell Qr Mr. at the ~lain Army Sir.
I have at last been permitted to stop travelling for a short time, and have opened my office at the scat of government. You will therefore transmit to me as soon as possible a true rGLurn of alJ the proceedings of your office up to the first of July and will be carefull to do so once in three months after that date. I have forwarded you a Commission, it will he necessary for you to subscribe lo the oath on the back of it before your commandg General or some other proper officer. The cargoes of the Comanche & Fanny 13uUer have been condemned and th,~r•:
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