June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7



Executive Department Velasco 12 July l836 W 1-1 EREAS, il has been reported to me that many ahuses have been practiced by persons having or pretending lo have authority lo impress into public service horses and other property belonging to private individuals; and Wt-I EREAS, it is known that there are unprincipled and evil disposed men claiming lo have such authority who have never received it and arc fraudulently taking possession of the private properly of citizens and appropriating it for their own use l111der the sinister pretense of serving Lhe public. NOW THEREFORE, with the advice and conSt!nt of the C::ibtnet, 1 have ordered and do hereby order that no military officer exccpl Lhe Commander-in-chief of the army and no person whatever except the head of Lhe several Departments of the government has the right lo Lake possession of any stock or other property whatsoever belonging to any citizen. David G Burnet President


New Orleans 12th July 1836

Dear friend

The delay of Lieut Scurry has enahled me to enclose you the paper of this morning; if there should be any errors in the statement of "Pericles," impute them lo the true cause, want of better information on his part. Yours ever trnly. [To Sam Houston I Wm. Christv •'


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