June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

in the port for the purpose of transporting Troops, as we have had various reports of large forces accumulating on the Sea Board- The Urchin will take down about 200 men & lhe Flora about 150- Some 150 thal arrived here from Louisville ,,,,ished lo go by way of Red River & we have furnished them with passage & supplies Lo enable them to join other Companies that have gone that rout, that they are connected with- There has been greal delay in the Vessels here that carries Volunteers & some have become dissatisfied & gone back, bul from the i11forrm11lion· we have we look for 200 men from Col Chambers al Louisville- we are also expecting 100 men that left Baltimore about 23 last month- We shall despatch them as soon as they arrive- We hope you have scnl up the Scrip of the first Loan lhal was made. as il will place us in funds lo furnish all the supplies now necessary- We have furnished the different companys with some articles, but not as much as we should like to do- A few pair Pistols Rifles &c- Capt Wilsons Co about S600 for the purchase of Linen and Shirts Cotton &c we have forwarded you the ~ids of aJI the Scrip we have disposed of llP to the present lime-and we shall continue our exertions lo make sales & have advertised that all audited accounts when they amt lo a certificate of 640 ci1cres will & can be paid in Scrip- You will notice by our public prints the favourable view the United States takes of your country & we expect before Congress adjourns lo hear of the lndcpenclcnce being recognized & we think it probable that it will lake place on Lhe fourth this mo.- The Volunteers now going down are a fine set of men & such as can be relied upon in case of Baltle- Expecting daily further news we are

Very Respectfully Your obdt Servis Thomas Toby & Bro


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