25 Sacks Beans 5 Tierces Rice 5 5 Bbls Vinegar 5 Bbls Vinegar & p Sch Wm & Francis lo Matagorda Lo touch al Galveslon-
102 Bags Corn 24 Bbls Flour 25 Sacks Beans JO Sacks Sall
for Copano
3 Bbls Vinegar-& by the Sch. Urchin leaving this day. 200 Bags Corn 56 Bbls Flour 50 Bags Beans
5 Tierces Rice 50 Boxes Soap
5 Boxes Candles 3 Boxes Tobacco 25 Sacks Salt l Chest Tea 5 Bbls Vinegar 48 Bbls Bread IO Casks Bacon
for Velasco
The latler will be used in part by the Volunteers on board'-& by the Flora leaves on 16 lnst.-We shall send you a small supply of ammunition. The limited means in our possession prevents us from executing your order 23 ulto.- We shall however go on in a ratio as we can procure means- The Vessels taken al Copano, we presume will furnish you with some provisio1~s- There are no musket balls to be had & we shall send you pig lead. We notice all you say about shipping good articles & we shall try & be particular in doing so.- With in the past week many vessels have left here loaded with Provisions & merchandise for Matamoras, some of them Mexican & Lhere are olhers Loading- If nol already done we would recommend the Blockade of Matamoras. It would prevent the Mexicans from obtaining supplies- No vessels having arrived from Mexico for some time, we arc let! lo believe Lhal an embargo has b1~e.n laid on nil the \'l'~ds
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