relation to this subject, l wo1.,ld respectfully beg, to be invested with some discretionary powers in such cases, or that no man be permitted to come beyond the piquelte guard without a passport; my situation in this particular, is very disagreeable, and I shall wait with some anxiety your explicit orders upon the matter; I hope, however\ that such arrangeme,1ts will be made as will render another letter of apologies unnecessary.
Respectfully, yours &c. J.C. Larue
[3674) [TOBY to BURNET}
New Orleans July 11. 1836
To his Excellency David G. Burnell President of the Republic of Texas Sir
When we last advised you, we \vere of opmaon the Independence Com. Hawkins would leave in nine or ten days, but owing lo the difficulty of procuring good seamen, she will only leave to day, she is in fine order & well supplies-The Liberty we have laid up for the present-The Requisition necessary lo send her to sea as 1natie out by Capt. Wheelright, amounts to about seven thousand Dollars, exclusive of the Ship Chandler & other Bills, lhal it will lake between $9 & I 0,000 lo send her to sea.- Her officers have been ordered back lo Texas & report themselves al head quarters.- We have paid bul a small amt on acct. of lhe Liberty Boarding of Officers & daily labourers employed on board of her. The outfits of the lndependence will amounl lo about S7,000. . Captain P. Harris has supplied himself with all the articles required for the repairs of the Cayuga agreeably to your Instructions 9 UH.- We have shipped lo Galveston pr Schooner Flash Chgd to Col )forgan, Comding there the foUowing
150 Bags Corn 56 Bbls. Flour 10 Sacks Salt 8 Bbls. Bread 25 Boxes Soap
for Galveston
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