June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[ 3673] [LARUE to MORGAN]

West Encl Galveston, July 11, 1836

Col. J. f\ 1 l organ, Com. Gal. Sir-

I receiived yours of 10 inst. last night by Mr. Wooley: - 1t is with surprise and deep regret that l find any act of mine should have excited your displeasure, or weakened your confidence in my ability or desiire to discharge the duties enjomed upon me - 1 have no defense to make but a plain statement of the facts, if this fails to exaulpate me, I must endure the penalty, and what is worse, the disgrace, which always attaches to a dereliction of duty. On th,e morning of the 10th July, about half past six, Lieu!. Kokernut landed in the Ocean's boat, he came to my tent and the following conversation ensued:- "Halloo!" "Well!'" "I want a horse." "You can't have one." "Why'.?" "I hav·e but one here - he is for ex press, and I am ordered to let him be used for no other purpose without an order from the Secretary of War or the Commandant of Galveston." "The :Secretary of War knows nothing of such orders, for I am on express; and have also orders to bring the Schooner 4th of July, nnd the sloop Ohio, to Velasco.'' "lf that be so - I must let you have the horse." "I would show you my despatches, but they are sealed." "I ha,•e no reason to doubt your word, sir." "The army is fifteen hundred strong, and by this time it must be two thousand." "How do you know?" "Yesterday before I started, expresses arrived at Velasco, from the army." &c., &c. proceeded with such a detail as he chose to give but placing no faith in reports - I paid no attention. This, upon my honor, is the conversation, verbatim, as it occurred, and not one word of it can be denied. What was J to do? If his despatches had been important, as from his conversation, 1 was led to believe, and I had refused him a horse, I should have been highly censured, and would have deserved it. I may be blamed, indeed, for not examining his despalch~s, but if the word of an officer can not be trusted, it will receive no


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