June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


Camp Sabine, July 11th, 1836

Order, No. 29

The prcsenl posture of affairs i11 Texas, indicates the probabilily of Indian dislurbanccs 011 the Western and southwest- ern borders of the United Slalcs, in the course of the summer and · autumn, On this hypothesis must be prcdicalcd all military movements 1..111 this frontier. 1L is therefore directed tltat on any service requiring a detachment of the troops at any military slation or camp. lo be sent on duly in the wildcrnc&; on which they may be ahscnt morn ll1an two days, and out of supporting distance, nol lcss lhan two hundred infantry, or one hundred and fifty mounted men, be detached. The fate of Major Dade's command in Florida, illustrates the importance of a strict atte11tiu11 lo lliis order. By order of Maj. Gen. Gaines, Geo. A McCall, A.D.D., ancl Actg. Asst. Adjt. General (3672) [l-lOUSTON to HARRrS I

Subletts 11th July 1836


A. M. Grinage and William Defee having been discharged ~s unfit for military duty, you will cause two others to be draf~ed_m their places. Doct. Wilson will be appoinled Surgeon for yr. district to examine persons drafted for military duty. Signccl

Sam Houston Com. in Chief

Copy Wm. G. Cooke Ast. lnsp. Genl.

. [Endorsed: J Letter lo Wm. E. Hams


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