June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


War Department, July l l, '1836. 1 have received and submilled lo the President your leller of June 7th, together with the report made lo you by Captain Dean. I am apprehensive, from the tenor of Lhis report, as well as from your observations, that the frontier has much lo fear from the hostilities of the Indian tribes living in Texas. On this subject, it is proper lo call your attention lo the instructions previously issued lo you, and lo say to you, that if the conduct of the Indians in Texas threatens the frontier whose defence is in trusted lo you, and you consider it necessary, with a view to its protection, lo advance as far as Nacogdoches, you will do so without hesitation. If the authorities of that country cannot prevent bodies of savages from approaching our frontier in arms, the necessary precaution• ary measures must be taken by you. This is the view of the President. John Forsyth Secretary of Stale General E. P. Gaines [3670] [GRAY ET AL to DUFF] Louisville,July 11, 1836 Mrs. Duff-Dear Madam: The proprietor and manager of the city Thealre have consented lo give a Benefit on lo-morrow evening to the Texian Volunteers, and it has occured to many persons friendly to the cause, that there is now in this city a concentration of theatrical talent rarely to be met with-for such an occasion, on behalf the committee appointed by a late meeting of the citizens of Louisville for the purpose of providing for the Texian Volunteers, we take the liberty to solicit your service i1t behalf of Texas for to-morrow evening.

Your obeclienl servants, J. T. Grny J.B. Bland G. Duncon L. L. Shreve


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