June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3668] [DU FF to GRAY ET AL J

"Louisville, July l l, l836


1 have the honor Lo acknowledge the receipt of your note of this morning, communicating the information, that the manager of the Threatrc in this city had consented to give a benefit, on to-morrow evening, for the Texian Volunteers, and soliciting my services for the occasion. ft affords me a refined and elevated pleasure to comply with a solicitation, that yields me the opportunity to repeat the demonstration of the desire, which 1 entertain, in common with all who can boast the foll enjoyment of political and religious freedom, to extend those inestimable blessings lo our neighbors and kindred of bleeding, struggling, triumphing Texas. The Texian struggle has already demonstrated the strenth of the "arm that strikes for liberty," and although oceans of blood may yet roll over that Eclen soil, and mountains of oppression be heaped upon her gallant sons, yet the time will come, when, like our own glorious and happy Republic, Texas will be independent and free! To aid and solicit "a consummation so devoutly to be wished" my professional services are most cheerfully tendered, with the expres.5ion of the ardent hope that the results of the benefit will fully justify the raised expectations of the friends of the Texian cause, and reflect imperishable credit upon the liberal and patriotic citizens of Louisville. With sentiments of great respect, 1 am, Gentlemen, Your ob't serv'l. Mary Ann Duff To Messrs. J. T: Gray, J. 8. Bland, G. Duncan, and L. L.

Shreve 1 Committee.


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