The several corps from the West, gone and going, amount to IOOO to 1200 men, the great majority of whom are highly respectable; they go to fight, and will, I have no doubt, give a good account of themselves if opportunity offers. If you cannot find time Lo advise me regularly of the occurrences which you may think would he interesting to me, please make Le Ray or some of your Staff Officers do so. How is your uncle, and what is your position in the Army?- These are questions, the answers to which deeply interest
Your old friend and devoted Servant Wm. Christy
PS. I have not heard from the Travellers since they left Cincinnati.- Mrs. C's health had improved very much.
(3667) [FISHER to AUSTIN]
New Orleans 11th July 1836
Genl. S. F. Austin My dear Sir-
I am very busy at this moment, with charging the Brig Everett for Amsterdam with 840 Boxes Hava Sugar for Export, and can not procure all the extTacts of the News Papers I wish, and which are mentioned in the enclosed letter. Doct. Archer and Mr. Wharton, who are going to Texas can, however, give you aU the news relative the public opinion about Texas. I am of opinion that "old hickory" is about declaring war with Mexico, wright or wrong. I say go ahead. This is what Texas needs.- to become an inlegrant part of this union. Try and do all you can for our "Correo Atlantico" it must be sustained and its cost defrayed, come whence it may. The Government of Texas must contribute toward its expences.
Yours truly, George Fisher
[Addressed: J Genl. S. F. Austin Velasco
Urchin via Galveston-or where he may be in Texas
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