June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3665) [BUFORD to LAl\lAR)

Dear Sir Nacogdoches 11 July 1836 I have the pleasure to inform you Lhal the Red Lan,lers is a turning out verry well and that lhey are highly pleased with your appoinlmenl Your letter lo the Cabanitl ha~ made you verry popular in all Texas - Gen Houston is at San A~1gusline (his Leg migty painful lo the Gen) l lhink lhe old woman has got herself in a bad Box which she will not get oul of Easy -The news arrived hear this morning that Gen. Gains had apart of his baggage w~gons a cross the Sabine J have no doubl of the correctness of the report the E~press leavs hear this morning for Red Rivir and I think that we shall have a good ,Turn oul from lhal place I shall Join you as soon as 1 can travil I have had a verry Sevear Spell of the feever this ls the Second Day Lhal 1 have been able to Sit up Capt Fosler is al this Lime verry Low with the fcever he Sais that he will return to Lhe army as soon as he gels well and will Stay as Long as you remain in the field l will inform you of any thing that may Lake place hear you will pleas to rile Lo me Every chance I have the Honor lo Remain

Your obdt. Servant. Thos. Y. Buford

(Addressed:) Genr. M. B Lamar Commander in Chief Texas Army


New Orleans J 1th July 1836

My dear Friend,

The departure of Lieut. Scurry affords me an opportunity of returning you the documents sent by Col. Thorn.- The proper extracts, accompanied by such remarks as [ could steal time to throw together will appear in the Bulletin of tomorrow.- ( will send you a copy by the first opportunity.- The present slate of things in Texas, in more respects lhalL one, cause me and all the friends of the Cause here, great anxiety, from which, l hope you will soon relieve us. There will be more volunteers in the field in two lo three weeks than will be wanted.- I nm looking hourly for a comp.my of forty from Baltimore, they left on the 23rd June.-


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