June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

stock will increase rapitelly as there is many I C in texas I am of opinion the cows and calves ougli l not to be used for beaves as there is a sufishently of other stock that will do to rasho11 those going to and from the army

I have the honor to be your most ob. Scrvt J. W. E. Wallace {3663] [WHARTON to AUSTIN]

Eagle Island July 10th 1836

Genl SF Austin Dear Sir

I am anxious lo see yo1,1 and since I have heard of your return I have been endeavouring to do so. 1 have just returned from Columbia where I expected to meet you and would now go to Velasco if I was certain you was there If possiLle I would be glad if you would come up, or othenvise name the place where r can see you in a few days

John A Wharton

[3664] (BURNET to MORGANl

'Executive Department Velasco Ll July 1836

To Col James Morgan Sir

J indose You a letter lo Genl Cos - it has been opened

and found unobjectable

You will also receive 2 Trunks one box and one bundle for

the same gentleman

You will please receive those articles and before passing them to their owne;r You wiJI examine their Contents and if there appears nothing Suspitious you will deliver them to Genl Cos- . Your obt Sv David G Burnet


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