connected with or embraced in the directions and duties assirned " lo you. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Edmund P. Gaines Major General Commanding. To the officer commanding the U. S. Troops at or near Nacogdoches, near Texas.
[3662] [WALLACE to RUSK!
Head of Bay Pcrara July[IO) 36
Brigd Genl T J Rm;k Dr Sir"
on my amvmg at the camp of the Indians found the campcs a11d many of my goodes that they had destroyed aJso one pr of blue pants bloody and a vest withe a forlow given by Capt. Wm Wood to Uriah Blue for fifteen clays also a brace of holsters suposed to be Robert Bermonts who has been missing from Matagorda for some four or five weeks Started from that place west camped at Robinson fry. & never been herd of Since the camp shows them to be carankmvas I look lher trail and folowccl untill they took the thick botorn 011 there way towards the Bay being a horse back it was impossible to pcrsu them further a11d have returned home and will ril out a party in a few days on foot, and try and serch thr.m out. On tomorrow I will comencc inruling the names of those subject to do duty and have them ready to march al an hours notice Those I have furlowed has pledged themselves lo be ready to enler service :it any hour when absolute necessity rc(juires or your order comes lo hand-My business in ~latagorda is in a deranged state and wish leave of absence until! there is realy Danger at which time I will be thcr or lry The public stock thats at Colornclo-thc cattle drove on this side of the Colorado J hear arc Diminishen in numbers Sir Charles Covcnoh had a rcw days since at hi:i hous the Ri:,e of one Hundred head Ll11: 11c:ihours were about reporting him to you threw me he found il out and 011 Satcnlay drove a purl of them back ltc is claimi11~ all in the Brand of J.C. if ullowcd to go on his
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