June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

hostile incursions into Texas, to direct your attention lo the matter; for which purpose you will repair, with the forces under your command, to the town of Nacogdoches, where you will, for a lime, be occasionally stationed, until otherwise directed; and to which place I have ordered seventeen thousand four hundred rations of flour, with the like quantity of the small parts of the ration, together with eight thousand five hundred rations of pork, with authority for a supply of beef, sufficient to complete the whole supply to 17,400 rations. Your position at Nacogdoches musl combine the several advantages of strength, health, and comfort, and it must be fortified by a small breastwork constructed of light materials, with a blockhouse or two at the opposite angles. The primary object of the present occupancy of that post is to enable me to carry into effect instruction of the President of the Unjtcd States embraced in the letter from the War Depart- ment, dated May 12, 1836, of which I enclose herewith a copy for your information and government. Should you find any of the Indians on our side of the supposed national boundary, manifesting a hostile spirit, you will urge them to return to their villages and be peaceable. But should they, or any other Indians, or other armed f orccs, be found in a warlike attitude, or in the act of any decided hostility against the United States troops, or against any of the inhabitants of this frontier, or of the disputed territory, to the south or east, or north of Nacogdoches, you will, in that case employ the forces of your command to arrest or otherwise restrain them from such hostility 1 notifying the commanding officer here of their position, probable numbers, and condnct; to the end that the forces at this place may promptly support and co-operate with you, in their arrest or punishment. But you will not attack them without evidence of their hostility, demonstrated by their conduct rather than by their threats; taking care to conform strictly to the precautionary measures prescribed in the instructions herewith enclosed, as well as the general regulations of the War Department. You will keep the commanding officer at this place, and at Fort Towson, informed of every movement and every measure


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