June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

good, there, as by directing them to the same end through different means, more adopted lo my capacity and pursuits in life. The first grand object it will reac1ily be admitted by all, is the new provance of Texas. This has been, and as l sincerely believe, most wisely and opportunely declared, by the only Competent authority, "The Representative of the people.'' After the dictatorial occupation of St. Anna; the abolition of their Stale Government, and after the close of a regular & constitutional session of the last Legislature, held al Monclova for the state of Texas & Cohuila; the pursuit by an armed force, & apprehension, & confinement of all that could he laid hold of, being neraly all the members coming from the former merely because they had net & performed their duty under a federaJ constitution, which he had solemnly sworn to support; and after his demanding the surrender of some of the principal Citizens to be tried, or rather Executed at l\'Iexico, merely because they were opposed lo his usurpation; what remained to the miserabliand oppress did Citizens of Texas? To labor Lo restore the federal Constitution o.f 1824, when the other Seventeen States has submitted lo the usurpation, would have proved an vain task. It would have been lik laboring Lo retreive, a vain crop from the ocean. And what interest would the American people have felt in reestablishing the Catholic Religion, as the Exclusive Religion, of a people, deserving to be free, and of having the inherant right, & precious privilege, of worshipping God, according ·o the didates of their own counciences-the former being one of 1 he main articles of that Constitution Or who would bring an~, or ~dventure their money, in order to reestablish, the connexion, between the Supreme Cong.ress of Mexico, composer of men, who had thus tamely submitted to the most flagrant usurpation, upon all Lawful & Constitutional authority-by one Man?-No! as i have told the Commissioners at N. Orleans, a declaration of Independance, is the only thing that can save Texas-unless indeed you choose to lay down your arms, surrender at discretion, and wait the tardy & uncertain movement of a new & counter Revolution. J mention these as some of the leading motives which must have urged the declaration of Independance because there are many, and still are some, who honestly think, that this country would have stood a helter chance for success, by enlisting a party amongst the Mexicans, themselves if the controversy had turned


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