thoughl proper lo send where Lhc responsibilities of the Govern- ment exisled parl of the 500,000 sent as we understand lo Messrs Toby & Brothers, the credit of this agency would have been instantly restored and the requisitions made through Mr. Triplett immediately executed. l deeply regret that Lhe Executive, are so little acquainted with me, as not to feel sufficient confidence in my exertions, to entrust me with sufficient securities to maintain the credit of Lhe Government paper 1 have accepted. lt is my misforlune that six months of trial and exertion in a cause espoused by me, (when the very individuals who are now receiving the sale of public lands shntnk from the responsibility of the Agency) shouJd not have made me sufficiently known lo entitle me to the confidence of your Excellency. I will thank you to consider this communication as Confidential and as not to be used unless the proposals of Col Tripletl should Le rejected. You will do me also lite favour to consider it as dictated by a desire to maintain the public credit as my proposals if accepted can be of no individual profil to me. 1 bave the honour to be Sir, Your most obt servt. Wm. Bryan [3300] [BRYAN Lo VAN BUREN] [Joseph H. Bryan, Nashville, to Marlin Van Buren, Washington, June 6, 1836, concerning the war in Texas, and introducing Samuel P. Carson.] [3301] [ELLIS to SECRETARY OF TREASURY]
Agency of Texas New Orleans June 6th 1836
Hon. Secretary of the Treasury Texas Sir
We have the honour to present with this our accounts shewing the seliled responsibilities of this Age11cy $69.828 34/l 00 and the suposed demands calculating those rendered & due, & the amount of Bills insured & not yet rendered as $76.620 34/ I00 for further explination we refer to the accounts.
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