June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

credit is suffering for want of funds. we refer you for good news to the enclosed Copy of a Letter from S F Austin Esq I have the honor to be &c Yours Respectfully Wm Bryan Agent [3299) [BRYAN to BURNET}

New Orleans June [61 1836

To His Excellency D. G. Burnet President of the Republic of Texas Sir

The scrip for signature was forwarded by Mr Triplett in the Urchin. lam fearful that the delay made and the desire manifested by the Contractors for the Loan, to make a good bargain may induce the Executive not to sign the script. The accounts forwarded by the Agency shew the immediate necessity of funds being placed in their hands, to meet pressing demands and sustain the credit of the Government.- Having been recognized by the General Agent as the sole Agent in New Orleans, and the whole responsibility of the accounts of the Government so far as presented, falling upon me,- It becomes my imperious duty to propose some measure, that may relieve the Government credit, provided your Excellency should not think proper to confirm the proposal of the General Agent. In making these proposals I wish your Excellency distinctly to understand that l hope Col. Triplelts offers and scrip may be approved, and thaL I do not wish to he considered as directly or indirectJy in any manner interfering with that Gentleman. Should your Excellency not agree to the script sent and the Executive are willing lo relieve me from the heavy responsibility assumed -in the darkest days of Texas, I would Respectfu11y propose the following-that the Executive send to me the amount of my responsibilities or a less amount if they think proper in signed scrip of six hundred and forty acres, that, I be allowed to sell the same at not less than fifty cents per acre, and credit to the Government the full amount obtained for the same. My present impression is that I can obtain here and in New York at least seventy five cents per acre, saving to Texas perhaps 50% above the present contemplated prices. Had your Excellency


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