June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

$76,620 34/100 is now due by this agency for the amount of $69,828 34/ LOO legal vouchers are presented. The sum of $28,754 29/100 Dollars is necessary to mecl the actual existing demands, (including protested paper) up to June 30th. We have orders now handed us by Col Triplett in addition to the above $76,620 34/100 of $32,500.00 which rc<.Juire immcdiale execulion, and for which we have neither the credit of the Government nor the public funds, our situation under sucli circ~nnstances you can well imagine, Col Triplclt being unable lo give us any assistance, we refer to our accounts senl for particulars. We have heard much complain L in regard to Balls and Powder shipped by us. The baJis were the property of Thos Toby & Bro. the freight only was paid by us. The powder was purchased by sample, & that sample was good, we cannot be expected to go nine miles lo the Magazine & open kegs to ascertain if there is deception. The powder by the San Jacinto was not shipped by us, and must have been shipped by Messrs Toby & Bro. if there has been deception, we do not (fortunately) stand alone, we have used all possible cxerlion to protect the Government from fraud. In the case of the Powder, if your Excellency will order certificates of its damaged state Lo be forward us, wc pledge ourselves to obtain a deduction satisfactory to the Executive. The public vessel (Brutus) has taken the last of the lot and Capt Hurd is satisfied of its quality. When we purchased the lot of powder Government paper would not be taken-we accordingly took it from the magazine as wanted, there are several articles which we have hee11 obliged to arrange in that way, such as Guns, Equipments for Volunteers, Powder &c. no deception could he practiced except in the Powder. We rely on your Excellencys sense of Justice lo excuse us from Blame, as a further illustration of the dificultics under which we labour, several men belonging to Genl Greens command, arrived after he left, we offered to pay a fair passage for them to the SW Pass, in he Flash, hut the Captain or consigners, refused to take them unless we paid five Dollars apiece, which is rive times what a stranger would ask. In our accounts we are. abliged lo place the amount of our Commissions as Cash, for the purpose of settlement, but we do not wish the Exc-:culivc to consider it as a Cash debil to Lhc Government, we shall never consider our own claims, or any advances we may b1~ able lo make, while the public

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