June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3298) [BRYAN to BURNET]

Agency of Texas New Orleans June 6th 1836

His Ex the President of the Republic of Texas Sir

Your esteemed favour of the 22 ultimo is before us. In regard to the relinquishment of the sequcstralion of the $10,000, we are ready and willing at any moment to execute the orders of the Executive. The advances of McKinny & Williams to the Government in Texas have undoubtedly been large, but it has been upon merchandize on which they received a large advance, our advances have been upon money operations, on which we receive the usual commission allowed by the Chamber of Commerce of New Orleans. The leller of Mr Triplett to Mr Toby, will shew the Executive the position in which that House stands to the Government, that the total advances made by them does not amount to $5000 against which they have the ownership of the Pocket and a policy of Insurance, upon which they will receive $2500, we have always understood the agreement made wilh Mr l\'lcKinny by the Executive, was to place the shipment by the Flora, on private account, the $15,000 being as a consideration for its execution. In the memorandum presented by Mr Toby, he gives no credit! passing we presume the amount advanced to the Cr of McKinny & WiUiams, thus securing himself on their account making the Government Jiablc for the full amount. We ask if this was the understanding of the Executive? The $) 0,000 has been Bonded by Messrs Toby & Bro. and they have now the use of the funds, no law expense can arise for some months, and no damage happen to them by any delay upon our part to relinquish the sequestration. The statement of Col Triplett of the conduct of that House, and the full confidence placed by him in the old agency, who were on his arrival almost total strangers, is a strong argument to the Executive, for the fidelity with which we have advanced the cause of Texas, as no damage will result to Mr Toby, by a short delay, and we have much reason to believe that the documents sent by this conveyance, will change the opinion of the Executive, particularly rcfering to our accounts & vouchers, we shall take Lhe liberty for a short time of delaying the rclinquish- mcnl of the sC(JUCstralion. By our accounts presented the sum of


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