June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3278) [BLEDSOE to BURNET]

Geo. Durst's on Angelina River 18 miles from Nacogdoches June 4Lh 1836

Dr Sir

Although personally unknown to you, I take the liberty of addressing you by means of my Friend Mr. Hughs, who will probably hand you this. on the subject of the great interest of the people of the Republic over whom you at present preside, under the impression thay any hints I may give will be favorably received, and according lo their value be duly attended lo. I have a leller Lo you in my favor from Genl. Chambers or Majr. Lewis but have accidentally left it behind, with my pocket book-In which probably my zealous, bul humble, efforts in behalf of the cause of the Republic, for many months past, beginning at N Orleans with Lhe Commissioners at a public meeting of a numerous assembly of the Inhabitants, & another at Natchez convened by a public notice from myself; have without received more than just credit-I have come to Lhis Country, lo aid by all the little means in my power in the establishment of its independance in the rearing & consolidat- ing its yet unformed Government-and securing its rights, by organic, & Legislative institutions-and to write my destiny with il, for good or for ill-I seek no Office, and am ready to act whereever, & in whatever capacity I can do most good. Having long been conversant with State affairs-and juridical Subjects-and although like mosl men no doubt suffici- ently inclined to appreciate what little I know-I have, from my experience of the many errors commillecl by myself-and men much greater than I can pretend to be, sufficient reason, to urge with diffivence, any project or opinion of mine expecting public measures. Especially should the differ, from one of your known probity & intelligence. Most cheerfully should my feeble efforts be devoted lo the field, if I believe I was capable of dfccting near the proportion of


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