information was indispensable to my operations, and lhe Exhibit which I desire<l to make to the Government of Texas. You replied that you did nol know that you were bound lo furnish any thing more than you hacl done-I answered, if not hound to do it, as the interest of the Government required that it sould do done, I presumed it ought not lo be refused. You said you had sent a statement of yom account lo Mr McKinney, and you would furnish nothing more-1 slated then that it would be necessary for me to shew that I had done my duty-that I should accordingly aclclress you a Note, asking the informalion which I had done verbally, and wish you to answer in writing, to which you replied that you did not know that you should answer iL-1 remarked that I presumed you would say on the letter that you would not answer it, which would satisfy the Cabinet of Texas, thal I had al least done my duty. The foregoing are I believe, almost literally tl1e remarks which passed between us on that subject-I remarked then, that I had seen at Mr Christy's Office a paper authorizing scrip lo issue upon a loan and for Lands to be contributed to the Government of Texas, and asked if it w was so, and Lhe circumslances. You replied it was so, and that you had sold a part, had authority to sell 300,000 acres, and would do it if you could you that you expected authority to sell Two Millions of Acres. I a:;ked if you had lately received any orders on the suhjecl from the Government. You answered you heard from Velasco the I6th May. J asked was it instructing you to sell those lands? You said the Government were in want of provisions, supplies, and funds; that you should sell the lands, and send them down. I told you I saw no need for my appointment if I could nol know what was doing, nor have any control over such matters, and if that was lo be the course of tirings, I should throw up my Commission-I asked then, if you could not delay your sales, until you could hear from the Cabinet-You said No-You had written to them. I then desired you to sell only enough to pay yourself, and meet indispensable demands until you could hear from them. You answered "No"-You would sell all if you could-I spoke of the injury which would result. and that such a course would prevent the taking of the remainder of the $200,000 Loan, for if Land was lo he so thrown into Lhe Markel, ours would be worth nothing. You said your lands being already localed, were worth the most.
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