June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3295 l [TRIPLET Lo TOBY]

Ne,\1 Orleans June 5th 1836

To Mr Thomas Tohy Sir

As General Agent for the Government of Texas, it has become my duly lo ascertain the condition of her resources and liabilities. With that view J have desired information of you verbally as well as I can recollect, to the following amount. lsl. What is the total amount of dehls which have been incured by you on account of the Government of Texas? 2nd. Whal amount of funds have you received towards to payment of the said debt? 3rd. After deducting the one from lhe other, what part of the balance had been paid by you in cash, and where paid otherwise than in cash, how has it been paid, and of tJ1e remajnder, al what time is it due? In answer, I have received the following memorandum: Amt. in. per Flora & Good Hope clue as follows $ 18,971

Amt. in. per Flora & Good Hope due as follows

$ 18,971 3,846.94 5,211.15 4,907.99 5,005.00 S 300.00 150.00 1,200.00


Cash on 8th April Cash on 10 June Cash on 11 August Cash on 10 September


8 April a/c Charter Sehr Flora 8 April pass. 15 Volunteers Flora 6 June Bal due on Charter Flora


3,500.00 200.00

10 May Brig Pocket & Charter 16 May R Potter Sec. Navy

$24,321.08 I remarked to you, that the information was nol in the distinct shape in which I wished it, and I would be glad to have it in a shape in which the Cabinet of Texas could understand it, setting forth lhe manner in which I wished it done-that such .,- _,

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