there we all returned home. I pray that God will still continue our friend and bless us with peace again. I will now say lhal our relations are only in tolerable hcallh, tho' none very sick. Poor Mother wcnl the rounds, not very well all the lime. I was afraid that she would nol hold out lo get back again but she is much better. She slopped at Brother Williams and I expect lhal she will stay there all summer. Sister Martha lives there. We arc still trying to raise something to eat but l fear we will miss it. Brother Thomas's house was burnl with stable and corn crib. Mr. Sutherland's ware house was burnt also his house at the bay but if we can have peace and can have preaching 1 wonl care for the loss of what property is gone. [Mrs. George Sutherland J
[3294) (THORN to RUSK J
Nacog. 5 June 1836
Dear Sir,
Your favor by Mr. Finch was duly teed. with a furlough for Six Months for your prompt atlention & please accept my thanks. I leave in 5 Minutes with Mrs. Thorn for the Warm Springs of virginia & expect to extend my visit to New York. If l can serve you there, do call on me, by Letter to Maden. When 1 return my wish is to continue to be as usefuU to my Country as possible & I hope my Health will allow me lo be more active than heretofore. We will with pleasure extend to your Family every assistance they may require. Yr friend F. Thorn P. S. J have sent a good fellow as a substitute his name is Adams, he marched yesterday. Gen. Rusk. [Addrcs.sed:] Genl. T. J. Rusk
Headquarters Texas Army
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