Stewardship and afford them an opportunity of producing more harmony With none other than feelings of kindness and the most anxious desire for the health & happiness of each member of Lhe Cabinet
I have the honor lo be with great Respect your obedient Servant Tho J Rusk
I have dispatched Captain Patton to Velasco -to supply the place of Captain Wood Whom I desire shall be sent on to Guadalu pc Vicloria Tho J Rusk
To Honl. M B. Lamar June 5- 1836 From Gen. Rusk. Complains of want of supplies for the Army- The release of Santa Ana will break it up. Will resign his position- &c. Santa Ana should not be released-
June 5, 1836
[Dear Sister,]
I received your kind letter of some time in March but never has it been my power to answer it till now, and now what must I say (0 God support me). Yes sister 1 I must say it lo you, I have lost my William. 0, yes he is gone. My poor boy is gone, gone from me. The sixth day of March in the morning he was slain in the Alamo, in San Antonio, Then his poor body committed lo the flames. Oh, Sally, can you sympathise with and pray for me that I may have grace to help in this great time of trouble. He was there a volunteer, when Lhe Mexican army came there. At the approach of thousands of enemies they had to retreat into the Alamo where they were quickly surrounded by the enemy. Poor Fellows! The Mexican kept nearly continual firing on them for thirleen days. Then scaled the walls and killed every man in the fort but two black men. Dear Sister, I think the situation a sufficient excuse for
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