l'iow if lhc Cabinet a11d !Ill the People will do their <luly we arc still safe if not they must in common Lake consequences and las one am prepared to share my part of them J have the honor lo be your obedient [Endorsed: J Scrvanl Thomas j Rusk To His Exy David G. Burnet Not Sent
(34821 lRUSK Lo WARD!
Head Quarters Victoria 20th June 1836
Major Ward
With his detachmenl will join us as early as possible- leaving his Baggage moslly on Board the vessels bringing on as little as we can possibly make out wilh the waggous thus will bring up what baggage may be absolutely necessary and also if it be on hand some sugar & coffee. 1 am disirous of marching and only await your arrival. No news from my ship to day. In much haste yours
Thomas J Rusk Brig Genl Comg
Turn over P. S.
Since writmg the foregoing I have received information which render it necessary that you shoulrl join me with your command tomorrow night you can cffect the journey by marching slowly in the heal of the day and making up at night
Thomas J Rusk Brig Gen! Comg
' 'I i
[Addressed:] Maj. Tho. W. Ward Linns Landing
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