June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

have or record they insisted on my acccpttmcc and assured me of their intended cxcertions to increase it urge men to the field the Army insisted 011 my doing it and I more rcluclantly than I ever done an act accepted it The first step on the part of the Cabinet was lo direct me lo march on in the rear of the enemy but not to approach near enough to produce collision between the two Armies as it was the design of the Cabinet that hostility should cease they failed to supply me with pro,~sions on the way notwithstanding there was plenty on the Island and they had them I have Boats at Command and on the first day of June was the first time I received any supplies It was natural I should complain on this subject and I did not foil to do it I urged them in a!J my communications from the day I assumed the Command to increase the Army and place the Country in a State of defence they used no exccrlions at all to do so I reached here with Six hundred men and no supplies the Mexican Army forty five hundred strong were in La Bahia twenty five miles from me. I marched on to Goliad and there came in two miles of a thousand of them with twelve pieces of artillery I was under an express order and stipulation of the Cabinet not to interrupt them I remained in Goliad Six or Seven days the Mexican Army marched on to Mattamoras and my force ~cing greatly reduced by themens terms having· expired 1 fell back to this place . The Cahinet determined lo release Santa Anna 1 prolested against it urged them not to do it and used language on l11c subject which they called severe threats and had finally lo send a confidential officer to see that he did not get away 1n the mean time GenJ Green arrived with five or Six hundred men and the Cabinet disregarding all my warnings as to any confidence to be placed on a mirerable flimsy negotiation with a prisoner instituted an Indian Campaign and ordered General Green with his force up the Brasos with infantry and cannon to make a campaign against wild Indians who it would be difficult to overtake on horse back at the same time ordering a part of my force and all my facilities for transporting baggage to be sent on the same expedition they used no excerlions to incrense the Army but on the Contrary all the steps they took was calculated to reduce it. These circumstances induced me to spea.k out plainly to the Cabinet and hence our collision I have had no desire to enter into controversy with them on the Contrary I have the kindest feelings for most of them but I coul<l not, would not and did not foil lo disapprove in strong terms the bad policy pursued by them 1 have done it and now they see who was right and who wrong


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